Statesmen College Preparatory Academy for Boys is a boy-friendly and pedagogy-informed
Statesmen College Preparatory Academy for Boys is a boy-friendly and pedagogy-informed academic institution based in the District of Columbia. This institution aspires to develop a learning environment for young men to have the academic skills, personal development, and social competencies that are vital as they navigate the challenges of life. At the same time, this institution aims to equip them with the commitment to serve their communities and to have the academic prowess to pursue a degree in their college of choice.
The core mission of the Statesmen College Preparatory Academy for Boys is to provide opportunities for Black and Latino young men, especially those who grew up in urban poverty, to achieve high academic achievements. To achieve that, this institution employs a combination of instructional pedagogy and educational curriculum to achieve maximum academic performance. Aside from this, the institution is made up of professionals who are committed to this shared goal. The ultimate goal is to turn young males from urban poverty backgrounds into young scholars.
Keywords: DC Charter School